The Stevens Memorial Library serves a community of more than 6,000 people in Ashburnham, MA. We strive to be a community anchor that is accountable to the community’s needs. With this in mind, we developed a Strategic Plan to guide us through fiscal years 2026-2029.
A Strategic Plan improves community engagement and operational excellence while promoting transparency and accountability. The plan helps us define our vision for future directions and align our actions with our aspirations while creating a shared understanding between the Library and the Ashburnham community about the future.
By listening to our stakeholders, we can understand the Library’s strengths and challenges and create a realistic but aspirational road map to achieve future objectives. This plan is flexible; it allows us to adapt to evolving environments by identifying our successes and determining how best to meet our challenges. It enables us to track progress and prioritize how we will meet the needs of our diverse stakeholders.
We’re excited to share our new Stevens Memorial Library FY26-FY29 Strategic Plan with you! This plan builds on the foundation established in our previous strategic plan. It outlines updated objectives and strategic directions that emerged from conversations with Library stakeholders. This is a living document. We will continue to listen. Your needs shape our future directions. We welcome your feedback about this plan. Please send me an email if you’d like to get together to discuss this plan.
Our vision and mission statements affirm that we are committed to being Ashburnham’s community hub. If you’re a Library user, you know our Library team has the passion and dedication to make this Strategic Plan a reality. This plan provides us with a road map that assures that the Library will continue to be a unique place that fosters curiosity, facilitates connection, and inspires the community.
Thank you for your support!
Jess Mynes
Library Director